Lynx Security d.o.o. company has been registered on September 20th 2020 in Delnice, Gorski kotar region of Primorsko-goranska County, Republic Croatia (HRV).

Company’s main office is located in town Buzet, Istra County, since May 2022.
Company is under status of d.o.o. (of Croatian law), and  CEO is Mr. Predrag Toplak.

Company’s personnel are individuals with specialized skills and knowledge regarding protection, security, military and police, and with very broad experiences working in security industry both in home country and in international environment. Based on that, an idea of establishing a professional security company has aroused. The main guiding principle has been identified and applied, where the company will gain it’s prosper and positive business on the market through enforcing the highest standard for quality of service, professionalism, and dedication to the duty. Their services will be provided in accordance with Private protection Law in the Republic of Croatia (European Union member). Company will provide its services in accordance with positive and professional standards of conduct in area of security industry.

Mr.Predrag Toplak, CEO

Lynx Security is registered for all categories of technical and physical protection measures clearly identified in Private protection Law (NN 16/20), trade, and education.
Lynx Security is registered and specialized for:
– Corporative Security ,
– Risk Analysis and development of the Security Plans,
– 24/7/365 Service,
– Physical Protection (guard, gate guard, body guard, security technician),
– Mobile Patrols (rangers) for Area protection, and rapid reactions on security incidents,
– Hotel Security,
– Marine Security, Security on tourist crossing ships, VIP Yacht Security,
– VIP Close Protection, bodyguard,
– Technical Protection,
– Critical Infrastructure Protection,
– Education and Training,
– Trade,
– SAFe LOCAL COMMUNITY (smart and safe) Projects

Lynx Security in his everyday operations promotes the highest standards of quality. Qualities are, but not limited, as follows:
– Professional service, conduct and individual ethic,
– Effective organization,
– Planning, preparation and execution, after action reviews,
– Protection of integrity and reputation of clients,
– Service in accordance with law, and support of legal institutions and services,
– Appropriate human recourses management and wellbeing if its personnel,
– Promotion of Excellence,
– Professional development,
– Active Cooperation with clients,
– Modern technologies,
– Research, innovation and development.

Lynx Security has established strategic cooperation with:
1. Digital Signals & Network (Odašiljaći i veze – OIV), ( – Cooperation on projects: Smart & safe Cities and Local Communities, Point of contacts for products of: OIV Smartino IoT (sensors: alarm, quality of air, movement, temperature, noise, temperature and fire alarm, door counters, parking, GPS tracking, fuel and power control, water use, etc.), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), FireDetectAI i CRONECT radio-network.
2. BeaverFit ( – Official representative of the company on territory of Croatia. One of the biggest companies in the world for physical fitness equipment, producer of special equipment for training of security forces (UK Army, US Marines, etc.).

3. International Bodyguard Association (IBA), ( – Established in France 1957 by Major Lucien Ott. IBA has more than 60 offices around the world. IBA positioned as leading authority in professional training and education of bodyguards with more than 12.500 trained bodyguards. IBA Croatia has established in 2005 in Rijeka by Lt(R) Rajko Bačnar, and he is also founder of Lynx Security. IBA-Croatia is also office for Balkan region. IBA-Croatia till today trained more than 400 bodyguards. Most of them working all around the world including high risk areas (Afghanistan, Middle East, and Africa). IBA-Croatia has certified programs of education via Croatian Ministry of Education, and has been recognized by Croatian Ministry of Defense as appropriate transition tools for military personnel exiting and changing from military to civilian life. Personnel of Lynx Security are also certified bodyguards and members of IBA-Croatia, with international certificate. Lynx Security via IBA coordinating security activities outside Croatia.
4. IBS Slovenia, Lynx Pro Tactical ( – Lynx Security in accordance with needs for periodical and specialized training using capacities of the partner company IBS Slovenia and tactical training center.
5. European Police Association (EPA) ( – European association for police and other security personnel. Lynx Security with personnel is connected with EPA. Mr. Rajko Bačnar is also a member of executive committee of EPA for Balkan region. Lynx Security via EPA exchange security information for daily operations.

Lynx Security with its personnel gains specific knowledge and specialized training proficiency including international certificates, to emphasize some:
– IBA (Ireland): Yacht VIP Security
-S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute (USA), Maritime Security Awareness
– ILETA – International Law Enforcement Training Agency, Airport and Aviation Security
-IUCC – International Union for Counteraction of Criminality, (Germany) , Inspector
-IPS – Institute for Preventive Strategies, Homeland Security – Terrorism Prevention Certificate for Law Enforcement Professionals

Lynx Security gains a long list of operational experiences via IBA regarding effective protection of different VIP personnel. Recognized and respected by colleagues from security business list of distinguish VIP is, as follows:


George SOROS (American Philantrop); Bill GATES (Microsoft); Martin RADVAN (Wrigley); Peter HORNICK (QUANTIUM and ZEBRA Funds); Mirko KOVACH (Austrian Businessman); Sergej ČEMEZOV ( ROSOBORON EXPORT) ; Ara ABRAMIAN (Russian
Businessman) ; Dean ČABRIĆ (AIR ADRIATIC); Michael LEWALDER (President of IUCC) ; Ino MIRKOVIĆ (Croatian Businessman); Peter MARGAN (American Businessman) ; Milutin GETSBY (American Businessman), Peter LÜRSSEN (Lürssen Werft Gmbh&Co.KG), itd.


Admiral Godwill Siempre AYE OMBO (Nigeria)


Croatian rock band PARNI VALJAK; Serbian singer Đorđe BALAŠEVIĆ; Croatian singer Jasna ZLOKIĆ; Danish rock band -THE HIVES; American singer PINK; American singer ANASTASIA; American singer 50 CENT; Italian singer ZUCCHERO;
American singer JOE COCKER; Croatian tennis player Ivan LJUBIČIĆ; Croatian Olympian Jakov FAK; Advent Matulji; Event of Croatian Enter into Schengen – Border Crossing (GP) Požane, etc

TOURIST DESTINATIONS: Kamp Mon Perin (award – the best Croatian camp in 2023)

Adresa: Ul. Sportska 1, 52420 Buzet
Tel: +385 52/665-112
GSM: +385 99/335-1112
